VTP Center at Maharaja Tej Singh
ITC Inaugurated by H'ble Ministi S. District Magistrate Mainpuri.
Ministi S., District Magistrate , Mainpuri
inaugurated the VTP Center at Maharaja Tej Singh Industrial Training
Center in a program organised at the institute on 28th. Feb. 2009. This
program was attended by students of the institute and various
representatives of vocational institutes being offering in vocational
courses in Mainpuri. Mr. P.P. Atri Principal, Govt. ITI, Mr. D.K. Garg,
Principal Govt. Polytechnic, Mainpuri, Dr. B.K.Singh, Coordinator IGNOU,
Mainpuri and Prof. Jagat Prakash Chaturvedi Ex. Director K.M. Munshi
Hindi institute Agra , Mr. Anand Swroop Agarwal , Eminent Industrialist
were invited as special guest. A Seminar on various vocational courses
was also organised by the institute. Addressing the peoples, DM "said
vocational education is only a way to give opportunities to educated
youth to establish their own units or make them employable.". She said ,Govt. vacancies are very limited so efforts should be done to
promote self employment and the VTP centers will promote to
achieve this objectives. The seminar was addressed by all the special
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Photographs of the program
Maharaj Tej Singh Industrial Training Center (MTSITC) is affiliated to
Directorate Genenral of Employment and Training (DGE&T), National
Council of Vocational Training (NCVT), Ministry of Labor Govt. Of India.
The ITI and ITC have equivelent recognition and the
certificates/diploma's are having the same recognition. The only
difference Between ITC and ITI is Itc's are govern by pvt. bodies
and government does not gives any financial while ITI's are maintained
by the govt. itself. |