Untitled 1
2020-21 सेशन में आपका स्वागत है. |
2020-21 के नए सेशन में आप सभी का स्वागत है. वर्ष 2020 पूरी दुनिया में सबसे दुखद वर्ष के रूप में हमेशा जाना जाएगा.जीवन का कालचक्र तो रुकता नहीं समय चाहे जैसा भी हो. किन्तु एक दुसरे के सहयोग से सभी आगे बढ़ जाते हैं. चाणक्य ACL में हमारी कोशिश है के हम आप सभी को जो संभव है अपनी तरफ से सहयोग प्रदान करने का प्रयास करें.हमारे द्वारा कुछ नए कोर्से उपलब्ध करवाए जा रहे हैं और जो पहले से उपलब्ध है उनमे जहाँ तक संभव है फीस में कमी की जा रही है.
Welcome all of you to the new session of 2020-21. The year 2020 will always be known as the saddest year in the whole world.The cycle of life does not stop no matter what the time is. But with the help of each other, everyone moves forward. Our effort in Chanakya ACL is that we try to provide support to all of you on your behalf.Some new courses are being made available by us, and the fees are being reduced as far as possible in those which are already available.
Currently we are running the following
institutes in association under Chanakya-Acl. |
दुनिया में वास्तव में अगर कुछ फ्री है तो केवल प्रकृति द्वारा दी गयी वस्तुएं ही फ्री हैं.व्यापार में कुछ भी फ्री नहीं होता और न ही हो सकता है. यदि वास्तव में ऐसा होगा तो ये समाज सेवा कहलायेगा व्यापार नहीं.अधिकांश लोग कहेंगे की हम शिक्षा को भी व्यापार के रूप में गलत परिभाषित कर रहे हैं. परन्तु सत्य यही है की आज शिक्षा ही श्रेष्ठ व्यापार है. यदि सही मानसिकता से व्यापार भी किया जाए तो इससे ग्राहक और दुकानदार दोनों का भला हो सकता है.वर्तमान सत्र में जिला पिछड़ा वर्ग कल्याण विभाग से हमें 60 छात्रों को पढ़ाने का मौका मिला है जिसका भुगतान विभाग करेगा. इसमें रजिस्ट्रेशन , बुक्स और एक्साम्स का खर्चा स्टूडेंट्स को देना होता है.
निएलित के तरफ से सभी वर्ग की लड़कियों और एसटी/एससी व् विकलांग सभी वर्ग के लड़कों और लड़कियों को जिनके परिवार की आय 2.5 लाख तक है ऐसे सभी स्टूडेंट्स को 3000 रूपये प्रति पेपर स्कालरशिप दी जाती है. हमारी योजना बस इसी पर आधारित है.अब यदि किसी स्टूडेंट की स्थिति 20 हजार खर्च कर सकने की नहीं है तो वह भी पढ़ सकता है.यहाँ यह स्पस्ट कर देना भी जरुरी है की यदि कोई स्टूडेंट पेपर पास नहीं कर सका तो क्या होगा? यदि पहले सेशन में ही कोई स्टूडेंट फ़ैल हो जाता है तो उसे कोई भी स्कालरशिप नहीं मिलेगी.
इस योजना में स्टूडेंट को एडमिशन के समय केवल 4000 रूपये फीस जमा करवानी है और फिर 4000 अगले सेशन में. इस तरह कुल 8000 में ओ लेवल कोर्स पूरा होगा. वाकी रजिस्ट्रेशन,बुक्स , एक्साम्स आदि का खर्चा अन्य जैसे ओबीसी वर्ग के फ्री स्टूडेंट्स के साथ होता है वैसा ही रहेगा. और जो स्टूडेंट्स किसी भी योजना में नहीं आते उनके लिए भी फीस में कमी की गयी है.ऐसे स्टूडेंट्स एक बार में दस हजार या किस्तों में 13 हजार रुपया देकर ओ लेवल कोर्स कर सकते हैं.
अतः में आशा करता हूँ की हमारी ये योजना प्रतिभाशाली छात्रों को कुछ सहायता कर सकेगी. कहा भी जाता है की भगवान् उसकी सहायता करता है जो खुद की सहायता करते हैं. ऐसे प्रतिभाशाली छात्रों का हम स्वागत के साथ उनके बेहतर भविष्य के लिए मंगल कामना करते हैं.
In fact, if something is free in the world, then only the things given by nature are free. Nothing is free in business nor can it be. If this will indeed happen, then it will be called social service, not business. Most people will say that we are also misinterpreting education as business. But the truth is that today education is the best business. If the business is done with the right mindset, it can benefit both the customer and the shopkeeper. In the current session, we have got the opportunity to teach 60 students from the District Backward Classes Welfare Department, which will be paid by the department. In this, students have to pay for registration, books and exams.
3000 rupees per paper scholarship is given to all students of STs and SCs and all classes of boys and girls with family income up to 2.5 lakhs. Our plan is based only on this. Now, if the position of a student is not able to spend 20 thousand, then he can also study.Here it is also necessary to spread that what would happen if a student could not pass the paper? If a student fails in the first session, he will not get any scholarship.
In this scheme, the student has to deposit only 4000 rupees at the time of admission and then 4000 in the next session. In this way, O level course will be completed for a total of 8000. The cost of walk-in registration, books, exams etc. is with others like OBC free students will remain the same. And for those students who do not come under any scheme, the fee has also been reduced. Such students can do O level course by paying ten thousand rupees or 13 thousand rupees in installments.
Therefore, I hope that our scheme will be able to provide some assistance to the talented students. It is also said that God helps those who help themselves. We welcome such talented students and wish them a better future.
टैली एकेडमी टैली इंडिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड बैंग्लोर का अधिकृत केंद्र है। हम सर्वश्रेष्ठ अकादमी पुरस्कार विजेता संस्थानों में से एक हैं जो खातों और वित्त में सर्वश्रेष्ठ गुणवत्ता वाले शिक्षा प्रदाता के लिए जाना जाता है। टैली अकादमी में हम न केवल टैली के पाठ्यक्रम प्रदान करते हैं, हमारे पास वित्त और खातों के क्षेत्र में विभिन्न अनुकूलित पाठ्यक्रम हैं। यह केवल संस्थान है, जिसके पास टैली सर्टिफाइड प्रोफेशनल्स हैं, जो गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा प्रदान करते हैं। टैली की अधिक जानकारी के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें
Tally Academy is an authorised center of Tally
India Pvt. Ltd. Banglore. We are one of the best academy award winner
institute known for the best quality education provider in accounts and
finance. At our Tally Academy we not only provide Tally’s course we have
various customized courses in the domain of finance and accounts. It is
only the institute having Tally Certified Professionals imparting the
quality education. For more information on tally click this link.
It is a basic level certification and certifies a candidate's skill on Computerized Accounting and Tally. This certification assists candidates to become job-ready and opens up multiple career options.
This certification covers:
1.Fundamentals of Accounting
2.Inventory Management
3.Receivables and Payables Management
4.Generating MIS Reports
5.Maintaining GST compliant records using Tally
6.Accounting of TDS other than salary
It is an advanced level certification for candidates aspiring for growth in their careers. It certifies candidates to have a better understanding of advanced accounting concepts through Tally.
This certification covers:
1.Fundamentals of Accounting and Inventory Management
2.Accounting day to day transactions
3.Receivables and Payables Management
4.Banking and Payments
5.Storage and Classifications of Inventory
6.Administration of Complete Order Processing Cycle
7.Statutory and Taxation (GST and TDS)
8.Data Management
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It is a comprehensive level certification, a candidate with this certificate will be recognized as being proficient in the principles of accounting through Tally and is recommended for candidates who aspire to build a successful career in Finance and Accounts or as an entrepreneur.
This certification covers:
1.Principles of Accounting
2.Inventory management
3.Accounting day to day transactions
4.Receivables and Payables Management
5.Banking and Payments
6.Order Processing
7.Allocating and Tracking of Expenses and Incomes
8.Statutory and Taxation (GST and TDS)
9.Payroll Administration
10.Data Management and Technical aspects
It is an advanced level certification for candidates to enhance their knowledge on theory and practice of GST. It aids candidates master the concepts of Goods & Services Tax (GST) and maintain GST compliant records using Tally.
This certification covers:
1.Introduction to GST
2.Getting Started with GST (Goods)
3.Getting started with GST (Services)
4.Recording Advanced and Adjustment Entries
5.E-Way bill
6.Generating GST Reports
7.Filing of error free returns
Certificate in Accounting Technicians(CAT)
To meet the huge demand for entry level Accountants in India, ICAI has launched a short term Course - Certificate in Accounting Technicians (CAT) for 12th (10+2) passed and Under Graduates. This Course has been introduced in consultation with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. CAT equip students become well versed with the maintenance of accounts, preparation of Tax Returns, Filling of Returns under Companies Act, Filling of Returns under Income Tax, GST, Custom Act, Export & Import documentation etc .
The Students who have passed/appearing 12th (10+2) examination are eligible to take admission in Foundation (Entry Level) Part-I of CAT Course.
Institute has Coaching Centres all over India. The Students desirous of pursuing the course have to get admitted in their nearest Regional Council or Chapter or Recognized Coaching Centres (ROCCs) for undergoing Oral Coaching.
Course Details
A) Foundation Course (Entry Level) Part-I
Paper 1: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.
Paper 2: Applied Business and Industrial Laws
Paper 3: Financial Accounting-2
Paper 4: Statutory Compliance
B) Competency Level – Part-II
(A) Fundamentals of Computers
(B) Filling of Statutory Returns
(C) Introduction to Costing Principles and Preparation of Cost Statements
(D) 5-days Orientation Programme
The Internship will be for 45 days. The Internship can be taken from organizations prescribed under Internship scheme of CAT Course.
Course Fees:- Rs. 9800/-
Mode of Examination
Multiple choice question to be answered on-line.
Last Date for Admission:-
For June Term Examination 31st January
For December Term Examination 31st July
Contact Details:
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
Directorate of Certificate in Accounting Technicians
CMA Bhawan, 3, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
E-mail: catdelhi@icmai.in Website: www.icmai.in
Telephone No: +91 11 24666133/134
University Courses
सेमेस्टर सिस्टम में आसानी से पास करें, सरकारी नौकरियों में कार्यरत लोग भी कर सकते हैं। ये कोर्सिज उन लोगों के लिए विषेश उपयोगी हैं जो किसी डिग्री या डिप्लोमा न होने के कारण प्रमोषन आदि नही प्राप्त कर पा रहे हैं।
Pass the semester system easily, people employed in government jobs can also. These courses are especially useful for those who are unable to get promotion etc. due to not having any degree or diploma.
Degree Courses
B.A.(Gen.Hons.Fine Arts, Fashion Arts & Fine Arts., Journalism)
P.G.Diploma Courses
PG Diploma in Inellectual Property Rights
P.G.Diploma in Dietatics & Public Nutrition.
Master Degree Courses
MA(Journalism & Mass Communication)
M.Lib.(Masters in Library Science.
M.Sc.(Dietetics & Food Services Mgmt.)
M.Sc.(Computer Application)
MCA(Master in Computer Applications
M.Com.(Master in Commerce)
MBA(Dual Specailisation)(IT,HR,marketing,Prod.&Operation Mgmt.
MBA( Single Specailisation) (Hotel & Tourism,Telcom Mgmt.Fashion,Pharmaceutical,Hosp.Mgmt.
DOEACC 'O' Level |
NIELIT (Formerly DOEACC) is a landmark in India in the field of
vocational training particularly in computer education. Chanakya –Acl is
an authorised institute of NIELIT. NIELIT is an autonomous body under
ministry of electronics Govt. of India. NIELIT is implementing a
joint scheme of All India Council for Technical Education and Department
of Information Technology (formerly Department of Electronics (DOE)),
Government of India. The objective of the Scheme is to develop quality
manpower in IT by utilizing the expertise available with the computer
training institutes who are granted accreditation for conducting
specified Levels of courses, subject to their meeting well-defined norms
and criteria. Doeacc not only provide courses in software but it have
various course in various streams. Chanakya-Acl is an authorised center
for 'A' Level,'O' Level & CCC Course. 'O' Level It is a one year course
which provide best opportunities in the market.
O LEVEL Scholarship Form.
'O' Level Detailed Information
Course Structure :Papers
Pass Percentage
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Course Structure :Papers DOEACC ‘O’ Level Course consists of four compulsory theory modules, one practical and one Project. The structure of the ‘O’ Level syllabus is indicated below:
M1-R5 Information Technology Tools and Network Basis
M2-R5 Web Designing & Publishing
M3-R5 Programming and Problem Solving through Python
M4-R5 Internet of Things and its Applications
M5-R5 Practical based on M1-R5, M2-R5 , M3-R5 and M3-R5
M6-R5 Project
The students have to devote 60% of the total time allotted to each module of the course
for the practical sessions. Practical assignments have been worked out for each theory
module. The Practical examination will be based on the syllabi M1-R5, M2-R5, M3-R5
and M4-R5 modules of ‘O’ Level course.
The Practical Examination will be conducted by the NIELIT in reputed Institutions for all
candidates. The institutes are obliged to facilitate the conduct of Practical Examinations
and arrange infrastructure, support of its faculty and staff for the conduct of Practical
Examination at their Centre.
The practical examination scheme is as follows.
Number of Practical Examination: One
Duration of Practical Examination :Three hour duration including viva-voce
Max. Marks 100 = 80(Practical) + 20(Viva Voce)
Grading Marks obtained by the students will betranslated into the Grades as per the
Date(s) Date(s) will be announced on NIELIT
DOEACC curriculum has a project as an important component of ‘O’ Level course. The
Project is carried out by the student under guidance and support of faculty and
management of the respective Institute / Organization. It is felt that such a project
provides an opportunity to the student to apply his / her knowledge and skills to real life
problems (including oral and written communication skills), and as such the project
should be given utmost importance and priority both by the students as well as institution
faculty / management in respect of its identification, planning and implementation
The theory examination for each module under the fifth revised syllabus would be for
duration of three hours and the total marks for each subject would be 100. One Practical
examination of three hours duration and would be of 100 marks. The first examination
with the revised syllabus will be held in January 2020, for which teaching will commence
with immediate effect.
Dates for the various activities connected with examinations will be announced on
NIELIT website, well in advance of the examinations.
Laboratory/ Practical work will be conducted at Institutions / organizations, which are
running the course. NIELIT will be responsible for holding the examination for theory
and practical both for the students from Accredited Centers and student at large.
Pass Percentage
To qualify for a pass in a module, a candidate must have obtained at least 50% in each
theory, practical examination and project.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Re-Totaling of marks
1. How to apply for the re-totalling of marks?
You can apply for re-totaling by sending an application on plain paper, stating the roll no, registration no and module/paper to be re-totaled, along with a demand draft of Rs. 200/- per module/paper, within one month
the from date of declaration of result.
2. Is there any provision of re-checking of Answer script?
Sorry, there is no provision of re-checking of Answer script.
3. When can we get the result of re-totaling ?
Normally, the result of re-totaling is sent to the student within one month of application.
4. Can I apply for the same paper in the examination form, which I have applied for re-totaling?
Yes, you can apply for the same paper.
5. In case if I pass in re-totaling, what about the exam fee for that paper that I have applied?
Your fee for that module in which you are declare successful after re-totaling, will be refunded.
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Certificate Course in Computing (CCC)
Introduction: This course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy programme for the common man. This programme has essentially been conceived with an idea of giving an opportunity to the common man to attain computer literacy thereby contributing to increased and speedy PC penetration in different walks of life. After completing the course the incumbent should be able to the use the computer for basic purposes of preparing his personnel/business letters, viewing information on internet (the web), receiving and sending mails, preparing his business presentations, preparing small databases etc. This helps the small business communities, housewives, etc. to maintain their small accounts using the computers and enjoy in the world of Information Technology. This course is, therefore, designed to be more practical oriented.
The candidates can appear in the NIELIT CCC Examination through following three modes and the eligibility criteria for each mode are indicated against each:
2.1 Candidates sponsored by NIELIT approved Institutes permitted to conduct CCC Course - irrespective of any educational qualifications;
2.2 Candidates sponsored by Government recognized Schools/Colleges having obtained an Unique Identity number from NIELIT for conducting CCC - irrespective of any educational qualifications; and
2.3 Direct Applicants (without essentially undergoing the Accredited Course or without being sponsored by a Govt. recognised School/College) -irrespective of any educational qualification;
Duration: The total duration of the course is 80 hours, consisting of
i) Theory 25 hours
ii) Tutorials 5 hours
iii) Practicals 50 hours
The course could ideally be a two weeks intensive course.
Busy Academy (Chanakya Institute of Finance
and Accounts) |
Chanakya institute of Finance and accounts is an authorised Busy
Academy in Mainpuri district. We are entitled to run the courses being
offered by Busy Infotech. Ltd. Busy Certified professional is most
talked training program on busy software.
Click here to get copy
of certificate of affiliation. |
Authorised Agency for Computerisation of
Tehsil Divas Complaints. |
Chanakya-Acl is an authorised agency appointed
by the district administration for computerisation of complaints
received in tehsil divas being organised on each Tuesday. Tehsil Divas
is an initiative taken by the state government to ensure rapid disposal
of complaints. By Online of all the complaints and their disposal now it
has become easy to all the peoples concerned to get the disposal of
their complaints without being run again and again to govt. offices. All
the process from complaints online registration and their disposal is
being done at Chanakya-Acl including all three Mainpuri, Bhongoan,
Karhal Tehsels.
Click here to get copy
of certificate of authorisation. |
Authorised Lokvani Kendra |
Lokvani is a society established by the state
government for the online registration of complaints. It is another
system of complaints online registration and disposal. Almost in all
districts of Uttar Pradesh have Lokvani Kendra working to help society
to get their problems solved without visiting the government offices
again and again. Chanakya-Acl as a commitment to be a bridge between the
government and society is also here to fulfil it. Chanakya-Acl is an
authorised Lokvani Kendra the related authorisation papers have been
Click here to get copy
of certificate of authorisation. |